
The 2nd Ocha Zanmai:
2013 San Francisco International Conference on
Chanoyu (the Japanese tea ceremony) and Tea Cultures
Friday, November 15 and Saturday, November 16, 2013
Host: College of Liberal & Creative Arts, San Francisco State University
主催: サンフランシスコ州立大学 学芸芸術学部
Former Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Morihiro Hosokawa元日本国内閣総理大臣細川護煕様
Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館
Chanoyu Bunka Gakkai 茶の湯文化学会(日本)
Toshiko Mishima Memorial Funds, Dr. Jeorg Juretzka
RYOUEN, Kyoto Japan
Abbot Sekiou Tajima, Nanshuji, Sakai, Japan
Abbot Sogi Tachibana, Tokuzenji, Daitokuji Temple, Kyoto, Japan
Abbot Sosei Yamada, Shinjuan, Daitokuji Temple, Kyoto, Japan
Abbot Onozawa Kodou, Jukoin, Daitokuji, Kyoto, Japan
Abbot Akiyoshi Sokushu, Soshunin, Daitokuji Temple, Kyoto, Japan
Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, Yoshi’s Jazz Club, San Francisco
Mr. H.J.Tauchi & Mrs. Aiko K. Tauchi
Japanese-American Association of Northern California,
Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California
Ikenobo Ikebana Society of America
Foreign Language Association of Northern California, Northern Californa Japanese Teachers Association
Ito Bean Jam Manufacturing Company, Tsu, Japan
Japanese Program, at the University of San Francisco, Japanese Program at San Francisco State University
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at San Francisco State University
井村屋グループ株式会社、井村屋USA, INC.、有限会社 伊藤柳櫻園茶舗、
サンフランシスコ「ヨシズ」ジャズ倶楽部、H.J.Tauchi&Aiko K. Tauchiご夫妻、
アジア美術館、北加日米会、 北加日本商工会議所、池坊アメリカ事務所、
北加外国語協会、北加日本語教師会、株式会社伊藤製あん 、
Friday, November 15
Welcoming Events for Conference Presenters and Supporters
<Not open to the public非公開>
Saturday, November 16: Conference
Open to the Public (Age 18 & up)
11月16日(土) カンファレンス
Pre-registration or on-site registration (cash only) is required.
All presentations are delivered bilingually, in Japanese and English.
No special knowledge necessary特別な予備知識は要りません。
Humanities Building, San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132
会場: サンフランシスコ州立大学ヒューマニティーズ・ビルディング(人文科学館)
Humanities Auditorium 講堂 (HUM 133) ; Humanities Symposium Room シンポジウム室 (HUM 587)
8:30 - Registration Desk Opens Main Entrance Hall, Humanities Building
受付開始 ヒューマニティーズ・ビルディング表玄関内
Please, no food or drink in the Humanities Auditorium (HUM 133)
9:00 - 9:05 Opening Remarks and Welcome Address開会の辞と歓迎のご挨拶 (HUM 133)
Antoni Ücerler, Conference Co-Chair
Director of Research, Center for the Pacific Rim, University of San Francisco
カンファレンス議長 サンフランシスコ大学 環太平洋研究センター リサーチ・ディレクター
09:05 - 9:55 Introduction of a Famous Tea Utensil <名物茶道具紹介> (HUM 133)
Chigusa: a Karamono Tea Jar 唐物茶壺「千種」について
Louise Cort, Curator for Ceramics, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution (Distance Participation)
スミソニアン・インスティテュート フリーア美術館 陶器部門学芸員 ルイーズ・コート(映像での参加)
9: 55-10:05 Break休憩
10:05 – 11:55 Special Lecture <特別講演> (HUM 133)
Kyoto-ware Potter Ninsei and Chanoyu「京焼陶工仁清と茶の湯」
Yoshiko Oka, Professor, Faculty of Cultural and Historical Studies, Ôtemae University
大手前大学 総合文化学部教授 岡佳子
11:55 - 12:00 Welcome Address歓迎のご挨拶 (HUM 133)
Paul Sherwin, Dean, College of Liberal & Creative Arts, San Francisco State University
サンフランシスコ州立大学 学芸芸術学部長 ポール・シャーウィン
12:00 - 12:10 Unveiling of “Tôshi-an” Plaque, Address of Thanks, and Business Announcements
Mr. Yoshihide Toki made the plaque, with the calligraphy of Abbot Sougi Tachibana of Tokuzanji, Daitokuji Temple.
扁額は大徳寺別院徳禅寺橘宗義師揮毫・土岐吉秀氏作成 (HUM 133)
Midori McKeon, Conference Organizer カンファレンス・オーガナイザー マッキオンみどり
12:10 – 14:00 Lunch Recess昼休み
Lunch Order Pick-up: 12:10 - 13:00 in HUM 131. Red tickets: regular White tickets: vegetarian
No need for presenters, invited guests and tea service helpers to pick up their lunches, since theirs will be delivered to their respective lunch rooms. Their registration packets contain no lunch tickets to avoid confusion.
Lunch Rooms: HUM 118, 119, and 121 ご昼食には118号室、119号室、121号室をご自由にお使い下さい。
We would like to serve tea to all attendees to honor their requests, but the shortage of both manpower and tea bowls makes the possibility uncertain. If you are willing to volunteer as tea helpers, please contact mmckeon@sfsu.edu. We accept volunteers from all schools of tea. 皆様のご希望に添って昼休み中に参会者の皆様全員に薄茶を差上げたいとは思いますが、人手も数茶碗も不足しており、実施できるかどうか現在のところわかりません。点て出しをお手伝い下さる方は mmckeon@sfsu.edu にご連絡ください。お流儀を問いません。
Lunch and Commemorative Tea Ceremony for Presenters and Invited Guests
in Celebration of the Completion of the Tearoom Plaque
Tôshi-an, HUM 117
Host: Conference Executive Staff; Temae and Mizuya: Tea practitioners associated with SFSU and USF
Corporate Sponsors: Ryuouen, imuraya group, and IMURAYA USA, Inc.
Session #1: 12:40 – 13:00; Session #2: 13:10-13:30
席主: カンファレンス役員一同; 亭主・水屋: SFSU・USF関係者
提供企業: 伊藤柳櫻園茶舗、井村屋グループ株式会社、井村屋USA, Inc.
第一席: 12: 40 – 13:00 第二席: 13:10 – 13:30
For presenters and invited guests who are unable to enter the small 3-mat tearoom,
lunch and tea will be served in the Dean’s Reception Room.
Tea Service: Mrs. Yoshie Akiba (Soko) and her students
HUM 485
Host: Dean Paul Sherwin, College of Liberal & Creative Arts, San Francisco State University
Corporate Sponsors: Ryuouen, imuraya group, and IMURAYA USA, Inc.
呈茶: 秋葉好恵(宗好)先生ご社中の皆様
主催:サンフランシスコ州立大学 学芸芸術学部長ポール・シャーウィン
提供企業: 伊藤柳櫻園茶舗、井村屋グループ株式会社、井村屋USA, Inc.
14:00 - 15:50 Special Lecture <特別講演> (HUM 133)
Tea Culture in the Eras of Tang and Song Dynasties 「唐宋の茶文化」
Tadahiko Takahashi, Professor, Faculty of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University 東京学芸大学教育学部教授 高橋忠彦
16:00 - 16:50 Research Presentation <研究発表> (HUM 133)
Go-in no Yu-ai: Sounds of water boiling in Chanoyu
「五音ノ湯アヒ」― 茶の湯の釜の煮え音をめぐって―
Ayane Okamoto,Visiting Professor, Kôyasan University 高野山大学客員教授 岡本文音
17:00 - 17:30 Demonstration <デモンストレーション> (HUM 587)
Introduction and Demonstration of Ôryôki ("Just Enough"), the Meal-Time Etiquette that Originated in Japanese Zen Monasteries
Members of Berkeley Zen Center: Ross Blum, Susan Hellein, and Ken Knabb
17:30 - 17:40 Closing Remarks 閉会の辞 (HUM 587)
Remarks by Guest Speaker Tadahiko Takahashi 特別講師 高橋忠彦
Remarks by Guest Speaker Yoshiko Oka 特別講師 岡佳子
Remarks by Conference Co-Chair Midori McKeon カンファレンス議長 マッキオンみどり
17:40 - 17:45 Group Photo Session with Presenters and the Audience
18:30-20:30 Conference Banquet
Open to the Public (separate pre-registration required) どなたでも事前登録してご参加になれます。
Nob Hill Banquet Room, Seven Hills Conference Center, San Francisco State University